Limestone Cave Expedition Tour

沖縄県うるま市にあり、沖縄県中部最大級の鍾乳洞「CAVE OKINAWA 」を探検するツアーです。
This is a tour to explore CAVE OKINAWA, one of the largest limestone caves in central Okinawa, located in Uruma City, Okinawa Prefecture.
This place is also popular as a power spot, and a mysterious space spreads out that will draw you in as soon as you step into it.
Inside the cave, you can see various stalactites that were formed over tens of thousands of years, making it a spot full of attractions that bring good luck.

★見どころベスト3// Top 3 highlights★
①ハートロック Heart Rock 
②紅白の鍾乳石 Red and white stalactites 
③黄金岩 Golden Rock

場所:沖縄県うるま市「CAVE OKINAWA」
Location: “CAVE OKINAWA”, Uruma City, Okinawa Prefecture


インフォメーション Information

Open/Close 9:00-17:00
Time require
90分 ※所要時間は、ホテルからの移動時間(片道約20分)を含みます。
90 minutes 
*Required time includes travel time from the hotel (approximately 20 minutes one way).
1-4 people
対象年齢 6歳以上

大人(12歳-)    5,000円~ / Adults (12 years and over) 5,000 yen and up
小人(6歳-11歳)  3,500円~ / Children (ages 6-11) from 3,500 yen
*The listed price includes consumption tax. Service charges will be charged separately.
In addition, due to accounting systems, discrepancies may occur in the total amount.
*Admission fee and insurance fee included

【注意事項 Notes】

  • 足元が悪い箇所がございますので動きやすい靴でご参加ください。
    Please wear shoes that are easy to move in as there are some areas where footing may be difficult.
  • 安全面を考慮し、ベビーカーおよび車いすのご利用、妊娠中のお客様のご参加はご遠慮ください。
    For safety reasons, we ask that you refrain from using strollers and wheelchairs, and please refrain from participating if you are pregnant.