<SDGs体験プログラム >
ミツバチがサンゴを守る 養蜂農家見学
SDGs experience program -
Bees protect corals: Visit to a beekeeping farm




“Let’s bike and learn about Onna Village, the world’s most coral-friendly village!”

An experience program where you ride an electric bicycle and tour farms and facilities in Onna Village with the keyword “coral” and learn about the village’s efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while having fun. Let’s explore and learn by bicycle!”

We visited farmers who support Onna Village’s Honey & Coral Project, an initiative to prevent red soil runoff, observed beekeeping activities in the fields and red soil countermeasures, and learned why beekeeping helps protect coral. This is a valuable opportunity to hear directly from local beekeepers and farmers. Depending on the season, you can also enjoy tasting freshly harvested honey.

インフォメーション Information



Mondays and Fridays  *Held from November 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 (excluding December 31-January 3)
Event time
①9:00~/ ➁14:30~
Time require
90 minutes (including travel time)
2-5 people

大人(12歳- )  5,800円~ / Adults (ages 12 and up) from 5,800 yen and up
子供(8歳~11歳)4,500円~ / Children (8 to 11 years old) from 4,500 yen
*The listed price includes consumption tax. Service charges will be charged separately.
In addition, due to accounting systems, discrepancies may occur in the total amount.
*Experience fee included

【プログラム 注意事項 Program notes】

  • 前日17時までの事前予約制。
    Advance reservations required by 5pm the day before.
  • 前日17時以降のお取り消しは、100%のキャンセル料を申し受けます。
    Cancellations made after 5pm the day before will incur a 100% cancellation fee.
  • 表示価格には消費税が含まれております。サービス料は別途申し受けます。また、会計システム上、合計金額に乖離が生じる事がございます。
    The displayed price includes consumption tax. Service charges will be charged separately. Also, due to the accounting system, there may be discrepancies in the total amount.
  • 12歳未満のお子様のご利用には保護者の同伴が必要です。
    Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by a guardian.
  • 養蜂用保護帽子を着用しての見学となりますが、長袖、長ズボン、足首、手首や裾からミツバチが入らないよう肌の露出のない服装でお越しください。(黒い服装やキラキラしたもの、香りの強い香水はお控えください)
    You will be required to wear a beekeeping protective hat during the tour, but please wear long sleeves, long trousers, and clothes that cover your ankles, wrists and hem to prevent bees from getting in. (Please refrain from wearing black clothing, sparkly items or strong-smelling perfume.)
  • 参加当日、晴れていても赤土や泥がつくので、汚れてもよい服装や靴でお越しください。また、日焼けや虫が気になる方は日焼け止めや虫よけスプレーなどをご持参ください。
    Even if it is sunny on the day of the tour, you will get dirty with red soil and mud, so please wear clothes and shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Also, if you are concerned about sunburn or insects, please bring sunscreen and insect repellent spray.
  • 天候によりスケジュールを変更する場合がございます。
    The schedule may change depending on the weather.
  • 雨天時は中止となります。
    The event will be canceled in the event of rain.